Maternity Style // Week 30

Maternity Style | Week 30

Starting to feel kind of like a house, which makes sense, because there is an ever-enlarging human residing inside me.  Two more months of this, woof!  Last night we built my crib, so the baby's room is slowly, very slowly, coming together!  I've been enjoying my lazy, slow mornings snuggling in bed with Dusty, knowing the my days of full nights of sleep are numbered.  

The past couple weeks I've been so focused on shooting weddings and sessions that I've dropped the ball on organizing and decorating the apartment.  It's hard finding new places for everything to go, and I desperately want to paint all the walls and make things feel fresh, but stuff takes time.  I forget that in our old house I'd left our living room half painted for about 6 months, and that it took all of the 3+ years we lived there to get every room looking the way I wanted.  I can be so impatient at times, I think of a project and want to do it immediately.  But that's not the way life works always. So I'm learning to be more patient and take projects as I can.

Top : Thrifted (Forever 21) | Jeans : Flying Monkey | Boots : Kensie Girl