forgetful seasons

ou know summer has arrived when you start getting a sandal strap tan lines.  I did a bunch of gardening with these sandals on, so I had a nice dirt layer "tan-line" but then when I took a shower to wash off the dirt, the lines didn't go away.  Officially summer!  We've been barbecuing and gardening and farmers market-ing like summertime pros.  Summer always throws me for a loop.  I'm so used to bracing for cold when I leave a building, and now when I go outside it's perfectly warm and pleasant.  Now I have to brace for going into buildings with overly ambitious air-conditioning.  I think I prefer that kind of bracing though. Washingtonians are notorious for complaining about the weather regardless of what it is: rain, snow, sun.  They can find a reason to hate it.  Nine months of complaining about grey and rain and then the first week of hot summer weather and we're all, "Waaah! It's hooootttt."  I went to Target the other day to buy a fan and the entire shelf of box fans was empty.  I'm pretty sure Washingtonians forget that summer exists every year.

dress/modcloth :: sandals/courtesy of moorea seal :: necklace/courtesy of musana jewelry