#FLASHBACKFRIDAY // hopin' for raleigh

o, Delightfully Tacky has been around for almost 7 years.  Crazy.  I can't think of anything I've done for 7 years straight, other than maybe breathing.  And eating.  Some of you have been around that long (kudos, long-haulers!), but I have a feeling quite a few of you are newer and don't have the time to scroll back through 1,973 blog posts to get the whole backstory.  While my style isn't the same as it was 2, 3, 4 years ago, I still love some of those old outfits and outfit photos, so I wanted to share those!  Flashback Friday is so common on instagram, so I figured why not do a flashback friday on the blog?  I think it's super fun to not only look back on the outfits I put together in the past, but also read the posts and remember where I was and what was going on in life at the time.  

I used to take photos down at this truck/dock all the time when I lived at home in Anchorage.  The lot next door to our house was basically vacant, except for the floatplane dock and this truck that never moved.  Now, there's a giant house on the lot and a family lives there!  It's so weird to go home and have a big house next door instead of a forest and empty lot.  Also, I haven't picked up the guitar in at least a year.  I like music but over the years I've realized that it doesn't bring my soul alive the way it does in my friends who are musicians.  I like music, I like listening to music and as a creative person I appreciate it as an artform, but I've realized it's not my artform.  I'm visual through and through.  Give me all the visual arts.  

On another note: I can't figure out for the life of me how I got my bangs so damn perfect all the time back then...

I'm Hopin' For Raleigh // June 27, 2010

I was so excited when Maria of Lulu Letty joined the Delightful Dozen. She has such great style and I couldn't wait to see what she put up for swap. I was so thrilled that she put up her Lulu Letty ModCloth dress! I remember seeing it on her when she was featured on ModCloth and I fell in love with the simple chambray dress. It actually reminds me a lot of the dress I styled up at the Revolve photo shoot, only way less expensive!

dress(similar)/lulu letty modcloth dress (swap via Delightful Dozen)
boots(similar)/ minnetonka :: belt/forever 12 :: scarf/courtesy of Rare Treasure

Secret time: I play guitar. I'm not that great at it, but I do the best I can. I don't really have enough time in the day to practice all the time. This guitar is actually my little brother's but he stopped playing guitar years ago, so I have "borrowed" it. Both of my guitars got left in Washington when I moved up here. I'm excited to grab them when I drive through Washinton on my trip. Hopefully I'll have more time to play, and maybe actually finish one of my own songs. I have a music myspace, but all the songs I've posted are covers. Nothing fancy, just recorded with my Mac and GarageBand.
A guitar is the best accessory, though. Anyone looks about 100 times cooler the instant they're holding a guitar. And boys become 100 times more attractive with a guitar, pretty much universally. Why is this? I am not sure. Maybe it has something to do with guitar players knowing what to do with their hands... haha! I think people who play music use their brains in a different way too. The visual mentality is pretty ingrained in me, and I try to make my brain think in a more musical way, but it's not natural for it to be like that. It's more of a second language than a first language. Consequently, I'm not very confident when it comes to my music. Hopefully with more practice I'll gain a little confidence.