adventures in joshua tree

joshua tree

'm sitting in SeaTac airport right now, headed back down to California for the GoLive workshop, and I realized that I never posted these photos from my last adventure to California!  Dan's parents live right next to Joshua Tree National Park and his mom is actually a park ranger (so cool!).  His parents are super outdoorsy so when we were there for Christmas we spent a couple days exploring the park and climbing around on all the incredible rock formations.  I hurt my foot last year and had to stop climbing so I was super out of practice, but it was really fun!  Dan and I really want to head back to Joshua Tree again sometime this year to really climb around more, there are SO many unbelievable routes and a lot of it is bouldering, which we both prefer.  Rock climbing outdoors on real rock is such a different animal, a lot scarier in some ways, but I really enjoy both types of climbing.  
Well, I have to hop on a plane to LA now, but you can stay tuned with the hashtag #LizIsGoingLive to follow along, and I'll be sharing exclusives for my VIP members so sign up for that here!

joshua tree
joshua tree
joshua tree
joshua tree
joshua tree
joshua tree
joshua tree
joshua tree