cracklin' rosie

ne more outfit from Palm Springs!  When I spied this dress, it gave me such 90's vibes, so I styled it up with a plaid shirt around the waist (hello, that was like, my only outfit trick in the 90s.  All of the things tied around my waist), and a rad hat I got in Hawaii.  Also: boots.  I was hoping for a little warmer weather down in the desert, but we were more in the high desert, which meant pretty chilly temps.  I was actually pretty cold shooting these photos, despite how warm it looks!  It was wishful thinking.  Every time I go to the southwest I fall in love with the area all over again.  It's one of my favorite places, ever since my family went on a big RV trip around the southwest when I was a kid.  We planned on doing another similar RV trip because that one was so much fun, but so far we haven't pulled it together.  I've heard some whispers that it might be in the cards sometime this year though?  It'd be so fun to do it again as an adult!

dress/courtesy of modcloth :: cardigan/ruche :: plaid top/courtesy of free people
boots/target :: necklaces/adorn by sarah lewis :: hat/brooklyn :: photos by Dan