wild + free

 don't know what it is about green hair, but it feels totally normal to me.  Sometimes people will say something about my hair and I'll get all squinty-eyed for a sec because I'm not sure what they're talking about and then I remember, oh yeah, I have green hair and that's sort of weird.  This past weekend I spent quite a bit of time with people of an older generation and was surprised how many of them really enjoyed the green!  Though I suppose those who weren't fans were probably polite enough to just not say anything.  My family has always been pretty supportive of my crazy style and hair changes, even if it wasn't their favorite thing in the world.  I guess they're used to my stubborn personality, whether it was my I'll-only-wear-leggings phase when I was four, my I'll-only-wear-sweatpants phase when I was 10, or green hair when I'm 27.  Though I know that stubborn-karma is going to bite me in the ass when I have a kid someday.  Le sigh.


top/courtesy of vol25 :: cardigan + coat + jeans/courtesy of modcloth
necklaces/courtesy of joy dravecky + adorn by sarah lewis
boots/courtesy of cat footwear :: photos by Dan