back in el paso

innetonka has been doing a super fun series called One Style, Two Ways, where two girls style the same shoes in their own way.  When they asked if I wanted to be a part of the series I got excited because it reminded me of way back in the day when I used to be a part of the Delightful Dozen swapping group!  I picked Julie from Orchid Grey to style these booties with and it was fun because Julie was a part of the original Delightful Dozen group.  It's crazy that that was way back in 2010!  That group was one thing that got me really excited about personal style because it was so inspiring to see a single item of clothing styled in so many different and unique ways.  It really made me see clothing in a whole new light and I love remixing items over and over.
Julie's style and blog has continued to be one of my favorites and she's always one of the people I most look forward to hanging out with during the few and far between times we get to hang out at blogging events.  We'll both be leaders and speakers at next year's Texas Style Council camp (eep! yes, it's a camp this year!) and I can't wait to catch up with her!  There are only 275 tickets this year (as opposed to last year's 400 tickets which sold out) and it's at a girl scout summer camp!  So much fun.  I don't know if I'm in the minority in the fashion blogging world as a rouging-it fan (though, truth be told I'm pretty sure I'm on the outskirts of the fashion blogging world, if I even count as a fashion blogger anymore, haha), but I for one am super stoked that we all get to hang out at a camp!  I seriously miss summer camp.  Does anyone remember that Disney Channel show "Bug Juice"?  Oh my god, I lived vicariously through that show like whoa.  I went to summer camp as a kid, but it was usually just for a week and I remember in that show there were kids who were at camp for like 2 months!  So much fun.  I can't wait to smell like a campfire and eat camp food in a mess hall and chat with bunk friends till 3 AM.


top + sweater + shorts/courtesy of modcloth :: tights/target :: boots/courtesy of minnetonka
necklaces/courtesy of adorn by sarah lewis + joy dravecky jewelry :: hat/thrifted