the keils // family portrait

When the Keil family asked me to do their family photos last year I was pretty excited.  I'd done their photos back in 2012, and it was super fun to see little Simon so grown up since then!  Lillian was about 8 months pregnant during this shoot so they're now a family of four!  Their new son is named Porter, so hopefully I'll have the chance to shoot their family again this year with the new addition!  Jason's family was in town so we got to do some with his whole family, as well as some couple shots of just Jason and Lillian, and some individual portraits of everyone!

Even though this shoot was in December I was excited that there were stills some fall leaves lingering in the park.  I love the color and texture of fall leaves, and it was a great distraction for Simon to play in the leaves when he was starting to get exasperated with the photo-taking experience, like most kids eventually do.

Lillian actually writes a blog and I was super inspired by one of her recent posts.  It's always wonderful to read articles by real women who are embracing their bodies and struggling through what that means.