BACK TO BASICS // jeans two

On Friday I drove down to Portland with my Mom and Dan to visit my brothers for their birthdays.  Their birthdays are only two weeks apart so we took them out to The Spaghetti Factory to load up on carbs and threaten to invite the balloon guy over to make them balloon birthday hats.  Since we were spending most of the day in the car I wore a pretty comfortable outfit.  I usually wear this top to yoga and the climbing gym, but I love the design and never style it in a non-fitness setting, so I pulled it out and gave it a go.  

I didn't anticipate how busy I would be running around doing things for Saturday's show, my mom visiting, driving to Portland!  I feel like I was on a crazy vacation and now am getting back and trying to catch up on everything!  For today, though, I'm resting.  We're having Easter dinner with Dan's family later, and I'm currently laying in bed while writing this post, recovering from yesterday's craziness.  I can't even tell you guys how awesome the show was.  I saw a couple blog readers after the show, I was so happy that some of you guys got to come!  It was such a magnificent evening.  There were a few photographers capturing the evening, so if I ever get ahold of some of those images I'll definitely be sharing them.  I still have red hair color spray in my hair and glitter all over my hair and body.  My shower is going to look like I murdered a fairy...


top/the wishing stone :: cardigan/thrifted :: jeans/courtesy of modcloth
boots/vogue footwear :: bag/courtesy of handbag heaven :: hat/the north face
necklaces/courtesy of adorn by sarah lewis :: photos by Dan