wild child

 No matter how long I live in a more urban environment I think I'll always feel most at home in nature.  Last week, when I was still in Tacoma, I was having a terrible time trying to fall asleep and found myself wandering out to the living room to stare out the window, something I used to frequently do during bouts of insomnia when I lived in Anchorage.  I'd walk to the back window in the kitchen and stare out across the back yard and lake, everything so quiet and calm in the wee hours of the morning.  Staring out across the lamplit street in Tacoma isn't quite as relaxing as those nights looking over a moonlit lake, nothing astir and only a few visible lights on distant homes.  One of my favorite things about Anchorage is how much nature is present even in the middle of the biggest city in Alaska.  I need only walk 20 feet from the back door and I'm amidst stands of evergreen and birch trees, blanketed in snow.

dress + tights/courtesy of modcloth :: boots(similar)/target :: coat/coldwater creek
short necklace/courtesy of adorn by sarah lewis :: long necklace/handmade