iron pyrite

When I clicked on this dress to get a closer look at it I noticed it had shiny gold threads woven into the fabric.  At first I was disappointed because I liked the plain grey, but the more I sat on it, the gold grew on me.  I figured I could return the dress if it ended up looking weird but I'm so in love with it.   The combination of the sweatshirt fabric with the little flecks of gold reminds me of pyrite, or "fools gold."  When I was a kid, maybe around 6 or 7, my Dad and I flew up to Mount Susitna and landed on top.  We wandered around for while, exploring, and I found a couple iron pyrite stones which I took home. As a kid I'm sure I thought I'd found something valuable.  Fools Gold indeed.  My Dad quickly told me what the specks of "gold" really were, but I still loved the rocks and kept them. I'm sure I still have them, squirreled away in some nook back in Anchorage.  

I've been loving more fitted, slinky maxi dresses these days.  This one is especially comfy as it's pretty much the maxi dress version of a sweatshirt.  In theory that sounds weird, but in practice it's amazing.  A slinky, sexy dress that also feels like you're wearing a hoodie?  Awesome.  I was a little afraid the length would make me look too short, but I actually like it.  Plus, it's a nice change to be able to wear flats with a maxi instead of always needing platform heels.  Short girls take note!  A maxi dress that you don't have to hem!


dress/courtesy of modcloth :: shoes(similar)/target :: bag(similar)/courtesy of fossil
jacket/modcloth :: necklace/courtesy of moorea seal :: photos by Dan