dumas bay

Yesterday Dan and I decided to do a bit of exploring nearby parks.  He'd discovered Dash Point State Park while looking at Google Maps, so we'd planned on checking that one out, but we found that we needed a Discover Pass to access the park, and ours is expired so we'll have to wait until we get a new Discover pass to check out Dash Point.  We drove through, though, and it looked like a great place to spend an afternoon in nature.  We drove a little further to see if there were any other cool spots and found Dumas Bay Wildlife Reserve, which was a very small little cove, but beautiful and oh so peaceful.  It wasn't super remote, there were houses within 50 feet of the borders of the park, but it was still a fun escape.  Living right on the water would be so wonderful!  We took Dusty with us and she was pretty happy to run around and sniff all the new sniffs.  I think Dusty would like to live next to a beach too.


top + boots/thrifted :: hat/the north face via rei :: leggings/courtesy of modcloth
photos of me by Dan

Have you guys made any New Year's resolutions?  I have my "mantra" I guess, which I mentioned last post, but I haven't really made any specific resolutions.  I do have my 27 before 28 list (which I haven't shared with y'all yet!) so I usually do that in lieu of a typical resolution.  I know that some people pick a word to define the year, and I've never done that before, but I do feel like I'd like "Genuine" to something that defines my 2014.  When I think about "genuine" I think about peeling back the layers and revealing what is true and honest.  Getting back to the basics.  Eliminating excess and waste.  Simplifying.  Being mindful.  Cultivating creativity and health.  I like how choosing a word, instead of a resolution, sets the tone for the year rather that making a single intimidating goal.   Like choosing "health" instead of making a new years resolution to lose weight.  Picking a word seems like a more holistic and positive way of approaching the new year.  I do have goals though, just too many of them to pick just one as a resolution!