swap with me!

You guys have probably seen a few other bloggers mention Swapdom, and I just joined the other day!  I think swapping is such a fun way to expand your wardrobe and get rid of items that no longer get much wear, but are too cute to just give to a thrift shop before seeing if some friends or blog readers might want to snag them.  I have a few items in my own wardrobe that I love, but they just don't get as much wear as I'd anticipated.  Swapping is a great way to give those items a loving home!  I love doing little local swaps, but Swapdom gives you access to closets all over the country.  Pretty rad.  They just launched a couple months ago, so things are just starting to get going on the swap front.  Katie from Skunkboy Creatures just got a swap the other day, exciting!

It's pretty easy to set up an account, and then you can list as many items as you'd like and go searching for cute things to request for swapping!  Swapdom does all the behind the scenes work, and when the swap logistics have all been organized, they send you a message so that you can get to swapping!  I have a few items up for swap, and I haven't gotten a swap just yet (I only just signed up, you can find my profile here), but I'm excited for a swap to come my way!  If you want to sign up and get started swapping with other stylish folks, click here!  Membership is totally free, so you the only costs you have to worry about are shipping expenses to send your swapped items off to their new home.  I feel like Swapdom is the biggest Delightful Dozen of all time!  It's been a few years since the Delightful Dozen was active, so it'll be fun to get back to swapping with people.