pulled from the archives

Since it's been pouring rain, and I've been too lazy to try finagling a way to take outfit photos, I went back in my photo archives a few weeks and found these outfit photos I never posted.  This outfit makes me feel pretty bad ass.  Even though I think it might be a bit of a lumberjack-hooker outfit?  Either way, I don't care.  I'm excited that it's tights-with-shorts weather again.  Although the current weather has mostly just been wear-a-tarp weather.  I'm currently making my way eastward to St. Louis for St. Louis Fashion Week, and the forecast is calling for thunderstorms, so I might not be escaping the rain after all.  At least the temperatures are still up in the 70's and 80's!  My last warm weather before the long, grey, wet season here in western Washington.  

In a totally and completely unrelated note, I went to my first pole dancing class last night and it was so. much. fun.  My best friend and I decided to get an intro to pole dancing class series when it was on Livingsocial a while ago, and like terrible Livingsocial voucher people we waited to the last minute to snag our deal before it expires.  There was only one spot in yesterday's class so I started my intro class series without her, but hopefully she'll start up next week!  I had really wanted to do a pole dancing party for my bachelorette party, but I don't think I was aware of the pole dancing studio here in Tacoma.  Anyway, it's super fun.  If you've been thinking about doing it, I definitely recommend it.  It's a great work out, and learning how to spin around and climb and hang on to the pole is so interesting!  There was such a variety of women in my class too!  All body types, ethnicities, ages.  I think a lot of people think that it's just for strippers or women trying to learn sexy moves for someone else, but at least at the studio I go to, it's so focused on the athletic aspect, which is nice.  I'm all for more fun ways to workout.  Treadmills and gyms are not really my cup of tea. 


top/thrifted :: jacket/modcloth :: tights(similar)/h&m :: shorts/courtesy of modcloth
shoes/courtesy of blowfish :: bag/courtesy of hearts
I don't think I'll be posting any STLFW stuff on the blog this week.  I've got a few posts ready to go, but if you want to follow along with happenings in St. Louis, I'll be instagramming and tweeting.  There are going to be a bunch of bloggers at STLFW so you can also check out the #STLFW hashtag, and see some of the bloggers attending here.  I'm excited to meet new people, but I'm also really excited to see Tieka, Julie, Erin, and Keiko again!  I just saw Tieka and Julie at TxSC in August, but I haven't seen Keiko since NYFW in 2010, and I last saw Erin when I drove into San Fran in the Winne in 2010 as well!  Erin has a little one on the way, so it'll be exciting to see her with a little bun in the oven!