the remix archives // mint polka dot

Well, I still have tons to share from TxSC, but it's Saturday and I haven't done a remix archives post in ages!  Honestly it's become hard to remember which remixes I've featured and which I haven't.  I've had this dress for about a year, and it was a perfect light and breezy summer dress, though I did style it once in the winter paired with tights and boots.  The first outfit is still my favorite, and that outfit was actually inspired by Austin!  I took those boots to Austin this last weekend, and I wore them with an outfit on Saturday, but then the strap broke on my dress so I had to go change and none of my other outfits went with the boots.  Oh well!  The boots had been hiding in my Winne's closet (which is still serving as shoe storage from when we moved), so I haven't even thought to style them in the past few months.  Now that they're in my actual closet again, maybe I'll pull them out, especially since fall is more boot-friendly in the temperature department.