for the flight

I spent last Thursday traveling, and didn't have any time to take photos of my outfit before it got dark, so the next morning I threw on the same outfit to head down to the pool.  I didn't have anything scheduled to do until the afternoon, so I figured I'd take advantage of the hotel pool to get some sun and relax before the crazy weekend.  It felt so good to be able to come to a conference and actually have time to recuperate from the madness now and then.  Usually my flights arrive and leave on the same day that one of the events is happening, so I feel rushed and stressed, especially if a flight is delayed.  This time I got in the day before anything happened and left the day after the last event.  Much less stressful.  

The Hyatt, where I stayed, is right next to Town Lake in downtown Austin, and as I was hanging out at the pool, I noticed that there were people renting paddle boards and kayaks right nearby.  I love paddle boarding and it looked like a ton of fun on the lake, so after realizing that I definitely had more than enough time to squeeze in a little paddle boarding I headed down and rented one for an hour!  It was so much fun.  It was nearing 100º by that time, but being out on the water felt great.  There were even little turtles in the lake that I paddled by!  It was a blast and I'm glad I followed the impulse to just go do it.


dress/via swap :: top/courtesy of wildlife works :: bag/courtesy of bali elf
leaf necklace/courtesy of duplika handmade
shoes/courtesy of minnetonka :: quartz necklace/courtesy of adorn by sarah lewis

I didn't plan this, but this feather dress I actually got last year at the Texas Style Council swap!  It's been one of my most worn items since I got it, so hopefully one of my swap items this year is just as great a find!  I got some pretty great items, so I'm excited to see how they remix.

Despite it being rather hot, I actually enjoyed the change of climate.  It's been an extremely nice summer in the PNW, but I kind of liked the oppressive heat for a few days.  That being said, I don't think I could handle living permanently in that kind of climate.  Even though it gets old after a few months, I do love the coziness that clouds, cool temperatures, and rain can bring.  I like getting to bundle up, wear layers, and style cute coats.  Of course, I ache for a vacation to warmer climes around February.  So it goes.