garden sphere

I didn't plan on going to Garden Sphere on Earth Day, but how appropriate!  Dan built a vermicompost bucket and we needed to go get wormies for it.  I'm pretty excited to finally have a composting bin, especially as we now have our raised beds built and I'm almost ready to transplant our veggies.  Yes, I have paint in my hair and all over my arm in these photos.  We're *this* close to having the exterior of the house done!  I spent most of the day in dirty jeans and a paint stained sweatshirt, but threw on this flowy dress to go get worms.  Because it's important to look nice to buy a bucket of worms.  Dan found some Hop plants at Garden Sphere, so we might start growing our own hops to brew with!

dress/courtesy of mata traders :: hat/courtesy of yiskah knits :: shoes/minnetonka
necklace/courtesy of moorea seal :: bag/courtesy of handbag heaven
photos of me by Dan