gut feeling

Do you ever get excited about something, something that you know is a little bit of a stretch for you to do, but you're so gung ho that you just decide to go for it?  And then the more you think about it, the more it starts to feel overwhelming and you realize that you're laying awake at night getting stressed about it and you wake up and you're still stressed about it.  But at the same time it's embarrassing to do that whole rewind-sorry-I-actually-can't-do-it thing.  Almost so much so that you'd rather just continue going forward with it than admit that you bit off more than you can chew.  Yeah that.  

I think I'm probably one of those people who has a hard time saying "no."  It's fueled by the fact that, as a freelancer/blogger/etc., saying "no" often means turning down an opportunity to make an income.  Thankfully I'm pretty sure I have a pretty good gut, which is very vocal when something doesn't feel right. Just a couple days ago I was going to do a sponsored post and for a while I kept feeling weird about it and couldn't figure out why, but I eventually just cancelled it and later realized why I'd felt so weird.  My gut/intuition/discernment (whatever you want to call it) is never wrong about those things, and even when I can't figure out why I'm feeling that way, it seems like the better choice to listen to it and maybe be a bit embarrassed at having to cancel or back out than to just forge ahead and then realize a bigger error down the road.  
dress/courtesy of lace affair :: cardigan/gap :: jacket/courtesy of asianicandy
tights/courtesy of the stylish fox :: boots/target

Almost every time I go down to the Garages there's at least one other photographer there doing some kind of shoot.  This time it was a couple of dudes taking pictures of a car, which is right out of frame in most of these shots.  Thankfully they were too interested in taking pictures of the car to bother me and I went about my business.  This was the first time taking outfit photos with my 6D and it's funny how much harder it is to do photos with a camera that won't do continuous self timer photos.  One shot, walk back to the tripod, one shot, walk back again.  Jumping and spinning shots are so much more difficult to get right!  I may break down and invest in a remote, though I can't stand seeing a remote in photos.  #bloggerproblems

My parents came into town last night and we went out to dinner.  My mom hadn't been to our house since we moved in so it was fun for her to be able to come in and see all the fun changes we've made and the beginnings of our decor adventures.  They ended up staying for drinks after dinner which was super fun.  I made them my rosemary old fashioned and rosemary rickey, and I did a little R&D on a new drink that turned out to be pretty delicious, so maybe I'll share that recipe here soon!  Big surprise, it's a rosemary drink.  I've still got rosemary simple syrup, so I've been playing around with it a lot lately.  I want to make a new flavored simple syrup, but I'm not sure what to make yet.