
I always know that something is a good buy when I want to put it on before I leave the store (or even check out).  This scarf was one of those things.  I have quite a few scarves and I don't have a very artful way of displaying/storing them yet.  Scarves are always so pretty, it seems like a shame to have them stuffed in a drawer.  Do you guys have a good way of storing scarves?  I know I've seen some cool things on pinterest and blogs before, but I can't think of anything that would work good in our closet space.  Any ideas?  I've never been a big accessory girl so accessory storage/display hasn't been an issue until the past couple years.  

On a totally unrelated note, on Sunday morning(ish) we went out to brunch with some friends at Dirty Oscars Annex here in town, and the Sunday before that we went to brunch with some of Dan's coworkers at Marrow... and now I'm thinking every Sunday needs to be a brunch with friends day.  A ton of restaurants nearby do brunch on the weekends and it's so delicious.  But maybe even just special brunch at home would be fun.  Maybe reading Sara's blog has been subconsciously influencing me because she always does weekend brunch posts, and they always make my mouth water.  

top/courtesy of tailor & stylist :: hat/courtesy of yiskah knits :: scarf/thrifted
jeans/courtesy of modcloth :: bag/courtesy of handbag heaven
shoes/courtesy of blowfish shoes :: jacket/courtesy of tulle