remix archives // featured sponsor: minnetonka thunderbird moccasins

This past month Minnetonka has been my featured sponsor and so for this installment of the remix archives it only seemed natural to feature my favorite shoes, which are my Minnetonka thunderbirds! I got my first pair back in 2007 at a little touristy-type shop in West Yellowstone during my family's cross-country RV trip. My mom had always told me that her Minnetonka thunderbirds were her favorite shoes growing up, but we'd never seen any sold up in Anchorage, so when I saw them in West Yellowstone I immediately snatched up a pair. I've always had at least one pair of them since then, with only a brief week where I had lost my original pair to the jaws of some Rottweilers who thought they were dog chew toys.  I've worn them so many times on the blog I might even venture to say they're my most featured clothing item on the blog of all time!  Brace yourself for moccasin overload!