I'm growing like the quickening hues

You know when you've got something that you have to do hanging above your head, and every night you're kicking yourself for not doing it that day, but the next day you wake up and totally forget to do that thing again... and this goes on for, oh, weeks?  Just me?  Okay, well that has been happening for weeks with a couple major things that I needed to do and I finally did them yesterday and oh man does the weight off my shoulders feel awesome.  The worst part about those kind of things is that they're usually pretty simple things to complete.  Well, I finally did them, and at least for the moment, I feel like I conquered the world.  I'm sure something new will come up to burden me (oh hai, emails), but I'm basking in the glow of success for the moment.
We also got a new (to us) couch off of craigslist yesterday!  It was a barely used midcentury-look leather couch that had only been used once to stage a home.  Huzzah!  Most of the couches I like run between $650 and $2,000 (ouch), so it was a major deal to snag this one off of craigslist for way less than that!  One of my favorite things in the world is customizing a living space and making it beautiful and exude my style.  Ever since I was a kid I would rearrange my room and make it as much my own as possible.  Of course back then my taste and vision was much different.  And ever since living on my own, in dorms and apartments and rentals, I've ached to really grab hold of a space and make it my own.  Up until now I've been a bit limited in that, what with not being able to paint, or make huge holes in the walls for shelving and such, so now I'm like a kid in a candy shop.  We've got enough square footage to really spread our proverbial legs, design-wise, and I'm kind of giddy about it.  I'm trying to go slow, because I could seriously blow all our money on decor.  Screw clothes, give me chairs and rugs and art and pretty much everything from Target in the decor section right now.  I'm in heaven. I apologize in advance if all I ever talk about from now on is home decor.  It's kind of my thing.

dress/BB Dakota via modcloth :: hat + tights + cardigan/thrifted :: scarf/h&m
jacket/courtesy of asianicandy :: boots/courtesy of blowfish

This dress is one of my favorite travel dresses.  It's so easy to remix and is so wearable that I've found that I tend to bring it along on almost any trip I take.  It's been featured in the Remix Archives before, so you know it's one of those dresses I wear to death.  Again, I'm mixing prints here like a maniac.  Plaid, feathers, and stripes? Bring it on.  I'm feeling a shift in my style these days.  Less 50's pretty-vintage, more granola-y/free people/70's flow-y/bohemian.  If that makes sense as a description of a style.  I'm also trying to incorporate more separates into my wardrobe.  Over the past few years I've almost exclusively added dresses to my wardrobe, which could just be making up for the first 21 years of my life where you could probably count on two hands the times I wore dresses voluntarily.  But, you know, I think that stylistically that was probably a (fun) overcorrection.  I suspect that in my late 20's I'll settle into a more laid back version of that very feminine style of my mid-20's.  A happy medium between the uber-tomboy style of my youth/teen years and the girliness of my mid-20's.  Of course, I believe that style is something that is always shifting and growing with me, so I'm sure my style will continue to change throughout life.