the new place

Thus begins finding new places to take outfit photos and making a whole new neighborhood wonder what the heck this weird girl is doing taking tripod photos of herself all the time.  So it goes.  So far our neighbors seem pretty great.  We've had quite a few come over and introduce themselves and give us the scoop on the neighborhood.  We only ever met our next door neighbors at our old place and none of our other neighbors made any effort to talk to us (other than writing "MOVE" in masking tape on my El Camino windshield.  Best believe that made me rage).  So it's nice to feel surrounded by friendly folks.  Plus, two of our neighbors have classic cars, so I feel right at home with the El Camino.  I've been making a bit of progress on my studio space, and once everything is in it's right place and the floor isn't littered with stuff I'll probably share some photos. 
On Sunday, Dan & I went to a scotch tasting down at 1022 South, which was so awesome.  It's really fun to hear from people who are really passionate about what their telling you about.  And scotch and whisky are just plain interesting in general.  Sometimes I just want to learn everything about everything.  I want to learn how to cook like an amazing chef, learn how to make incredible craft cocktails and know all about the different liquors and mixers, learn all about photography and hone that craft, paint and create artwork consistently... I think I just want my life to be an explosion of creativity and be a student forever.  One of my 26 before 27 goals is going to be taking a cooking class.  I've always just figured stuff out from youtube tutorials and the internet, but there's something so much more informative about learning from a real live human who has the wealth of knowledge from a lifetime of doing what they love.

top/courtesy of alainn bella :: sweater/target (via swap):: tights/target(thrifted
dress/modcloth ::  hat + boots/thrifted :: bag/courtesy of rouge & whimsy

I finally got our wedding photos compiled into a wedding album, and I'm super excited for it to arrive.  Though, I did the cheapest shipping, so I probably won't see it for a while, but it's fun to scroll through online!  I'm kind of addicted to making books now, though.  I think I might do a photo book of my Brave trip.  I have a ton of awesome film photos that would be fun to compile into a little coffee table book.  Since our coffee table is now just a coffee table instead of a coffee table/sewing table/dining table/desk I want to have some fun coffee table books for guests to flip through.  I always enjoy looking at interesting picture books that people have on their coffee tables.
A few of us lady friends got together last month and had a little clothing swap.  There wasn't really enough of us to have it be a huge success, but hopefully we'll expand and get more people at the next one (maybe in January?).  I did get this sweater, though, which is such a great little winter sweater.  I love pretty much anything with toggles.  Plus, the pattern in the knit is so wintery.  Love!