caped crusader

Dan and I both signed up for Nanowrimo.  And we're both already way behind.  I used to love writing poems and short stories, especially back in high school before I was swamped with writing papers in college.  And now all my time spent writing is pretty much blog related, so I don't get any creative writing in anymore.  I feel so incredibly rusty and uninspired, but you've gotta start somewhere, right?  I feel like I'm super out of shape and I'm trying to kick my butt into gear again.  It's like Insanity, but for creative writing.  Even if I don't end up meeting the Nanowrimo goal of 50,000 words, at least I'll have written something creative.  Have you guys ever written a novel or something longer than a short story?  I think the longest thing I've ever written is one of my papers in college.  Probably my senior thesis.  But in terms of creative writing, I've probably only ever written short stories, no longer than a few pages.  For someone who enjoys tedium when creating visual art, it would make sense for me to like writing longer pieces, but I've never attempted anything longer than a short story.

cape/courtesy of ruche :: top/urban outfitters :: blazer/courtesy of modcloth :: pants/thrifted
boots/courtesy of blowfish :: bag/courtesy of handbag heaven :: photos of me by dan

I'm pretty stoked that capes are "back." I styled a cape back in 2010 that was a swap item from the Delightful Dozen, so despite the fact that it was totally awesome, I had to sent it back to its owner.  Elsie designed a cape for her ModCloth collection that's also quite cute, but I love the longer length of this one.  Especially here in rainy Washington, it's nice to have coats that cover more square footage, to prevent getting soaked as much as possible. I feel a little mysterious and magical when I wear this cape, especially with the hood up.  I hope the cape trend continues, because I'd love to get another one!
Sometimes I grab some sneaky pics of Dan while we're out doing outfit photos.  I'll occasionally snap some photos of him while we're scouting photo locations so I can see how the photo looks with a person standing there, and the one I took during this shoot I liked so much I'm sharing it.  And because he was looking oh so stylish in his new thrifted hat and jacket.  We recently went on a thrifting mission for some cold weather clothes: coats, jackets, warm leggings etc.  I got the leggings I'm wearing in this post, as well as a couple warm coats, and Dan got the awesome corduroy jacket he's wearing in the bottom photo.  I found this incredible full length vintage red leather jacket that fit like a dream, and I felt super bomb wearing it, but I knew it wasn't practical and I probably wouldn't wear it enough to make it worth buying.  But damn if I didn't feel like one of Charlie's Angels wearing it, and not the new version, the original series.  Pretty fly.

(pretty sure everything dan's wearing is thrifted... in case you wanted his outfit deets)