brinkle giveway

Hi everyone!  Today's giveaway is coming to you from my sponsor Brinkle, a cute jewelry company stocked with tons of sparkly arm candy.  For this giveaway one lucky reader will win a set of two half & half bracelets, which feature intricate twilled silken cords combined with a pretty 24kt gold plated chain.

To enter: 
Comment on this post letting me know what color(s) you'd like your bracelets to come in if you win, along with a way for me to contact you.  You can find out what the available colors are here.

For a second entry, head over to the Brinkle facebook page and give it a "like," then come back here and leave an additional comment on this post letting me know you've done so (or it won't count!).

The giveaway will be open until Saturday, November 3rd at 9pm PST

And the winner of the Mokkafiveoclock giveaway is...
