Moda Mama Giveaway

Hi everyone!  Today my lovely sponsor ModaMama is here to offer y'all a giveaway!  ModaMama
is the daily ramblings, thoughts on fashion, and life of Joanna Haughton.  And she's a nerd woman after my own heart... "I've seen every single episode of Star Trek at least twice, can recite Star Wars like nobody's business, and am really upset that they re-imagined Battlestar Galactica and did not cast me in it. That would've been my role of a lifetime!"  Awesome.

Today she's giving away a hand-crafted necklace made by a local Canadian artisan, along with a large ad space on her blog, ModaMama, a total value of $75!  


To Enter:

You've got four chances to win! To enter, do one, or as many as you'd like, of the following:

1. Follow ModaMama on Google Friend Connect
2. Like ModaMama on Facebook
3. Follow on Twitter
4. Follow on Bloglovin'

Then, For each way you entered, make sure you come back here and leave a comment on this post, letting me know how you entered.  Make sure you also leave a way for me to contact you in one of those comments, in case you win.  The giveaway will be open for entries until Saturday, August 11th at 9pm PST.