Anchors + Roller Coasters

The last month has been a rollercoaster.  I'm so thankful for quiet moments where I can just sit and relax.  One of my "safe" places is just sitting at one of my favorite coffee shops and working or editing photos.  Coffee shops really feel like spiritual anchors.  A little melodramatic, perhaps, but I really feel like there are places that function as eyes of our storms where we can go to get a little relief from all the craziness.  Coffee shops seem to be that for me.  I like that you can be totally alone, but simultaneously surrounded by people.  So often I end up sitting in our dark living room trying to work by myself and I start to get a bit of cabin fever if I do that too many days in a row.  I love the energy that other human beings can inject into a space.  It's like there's this energy projecting out of each person and it fills the room.  I think there's a difference between being alone and feeling alone.  I can be alone in a coffee shop, in my own corner doing my own thing, but I don't feel alone.  That's important.

skirt + shoes/courtesy of modcloth ::  top/courtesy of alainn bella
crop top/american eagle :: shades/vintage :: bag/courtesy of handbag heaven

I'm trying to get out of my rut with outfit photo locations, so I went down to Wright Park to give it a shot.  Usually I try to stay away from parks, especially on nice days, since people tend to congregate at parks and I like to be as alone as possible when taking photos.  The sun was setting, though, and I think the cooler temperatures had sent most of the park-goers home so I was left to my own devices with just a few runners and their dogs to contend with.  I had actually never been to Wright Park before.  It's just a little bit out of the way and we don't tend to hang out at parks anyway, we prefer to go on walks through neighborhoods and look at all the cute houses.