Treasures from the Road

Whenever I go out wearing this flower crown, at least one person comments on it. For some reason I don't think it's odd to wear a flower crown, but I suppose it's not a normal thing to see people wearing. At the bar the other night I was standing outside with Dan when some guys got out of a car near us and one of the guys kept pointing/looking at me and saying, "midsummer's night, midsummer's night!" My favorite, though, was the time I was at Goodwill wearing this crown and a little girl walks up to me and says in her tiny voice, "excuse me, I just wanted to tell you that your flower crown looks beautiful." I think it was the best/cutest moment of my life.

dress/bcbg :: flower crown/handmade :: bag/courtesy of handbag heaven
necklace/roadside stand in AZ :: belt/souvenir from Calico,CA :: shoes/kensiegirl
photos by Dan

When my whole family took an RV trip around the country in 2007, it was during the summer (so all us kids were out of school), and we ended up on the east coast in the middle of the sweltering heat. Being from Alaska, we obviously weren't used to the heat, so we found ourselves hiding in the air conditioned RV and running from place to place to seek shelter in the AC. I got this dress from a BCBG outlet store somewhere on the east coast and it was the perfect, light sundress to beat the heat. I haven't worn it much over the years, but I still can't bring myself to let go of it, even though I rarely find myself in weather hot enough to justify wearing it. It's just got that summer simplicity of a white eyelet dress. Come to think of it, almost all of this outfit is compiled from "souvenirs" I got while on various road trips. The dress, belt, and necklace are all road trip finds!