Life Lately

Life has been pretty good lately. Washington is still being obnoxiously cold most of the time, even though we're all desperately needing some summer weather, but every once in the while the sun comes out and I quickly throw on a sundress to soak up as much vitamin D as possible. We're still trying to figure out what life will look like after the summer is over. So many options. So many possibilities. And yet, seemingly, so many limitations. But for now, we're enjoying living in the moment. No sense in ruining a summer by worrying about what will happen after the summer. That's just silly.

SPU graduation outfit (outfit details here) // potting my mint plant // a feather found on the ground outside of work // a fun all-day bbq cookout with friends // watermelon! // missing my long hair. solution: wig // purple lovelies at the farmers market // favorite shoes + an elderflower lemonade // pumpkin cake w/ cream cheese frosting from Corina. I had this in cupcake form at our wedding but never got a chance to taste them! Now I finally know what I missed. // best part of summer = firecracker popsicles! // looking at houses...