Yesterday was our six month "anniversary" and we spent the day walking down to the Parkway to grab a beer, play some pool, and sit on the patio in the sort-of sun. Lately I've just felt so thankful for Dan. I love hanging out and talking about our dreams, sharing struggles and deep thoughts, or just sitting on the couch watching an episode of a show. Seeing his grandma and grampa on Friday was so interesting and a little heartbreaking. His grandma seemed so strong beside her husband of 61 years struggling to even get out a small word as he lay in the hospital bed with wires hooked up all over his body. It's strange to think that someday we could be in a similar situation, assuming we live that long. I can't even comprehend the bond between two people who have spent 61 years of their life dedicated to supporting one another through trials and joys. I can't imagine someone I'd rather spend those years growing, supporting, laughing, crying, and adventuring alongside.
photo by Arrow & Apple