The View From Above

On my flight home I got the entire row to myself, so I scooted over to the window and took a bunch of photos as we ascended out of Anchorage. Anchorage had record-breaking snowfall this winter, so the mountains were really pretty and pristine. Living in Anchorage, you're surrounded by mountains, but I always forget that beyond our little port city it's mountain ranges and glaciers as far as the eye can see. Being 15,000 feet in the air is quite a different perspective. Being in the city it can be easy to forget how rugged the terrain is beyond the city limits. It's not like Washington, where there's just a little strip of the Cascades separating the coast from the flat lands of central and eastern Washington. Once you're over the pass it's like you're driving in Kansas or something until you hit Spokane. It's as if a grand hand crumpled up the whole state like a piece of paper. I feel incredibly blessed to have grown up in such a stunning landscape. I believe wholeheartedly that natural beauty is something that can nourish the soul in a way that nothing else can and man, living in Alaska do you get quite a dose of that beauty.