Life Lately

Kyla recently just wrote a post outlining her summer intentions and I liked the idea, so I came up with a few of my own.
  • Start a private daily yoga practice
  • Read the written word. Books, not internet
  • Say "no" and keep myself from getting over booked, spread too thin & stressed
  • Plant flowers
  • Go on consistent dates with Dan
  • Start budgeting
  • Have fires in our backyard fire pit
  • Get the outlet fixed on our back deck & put up lights
  • Simplify life
As much as I love making lists, I want to keep this one short. After all, the last thing on it is "simplify life" and I figure, the more lists, the less simple. Of course, organization can help with simplicity, and organization involves lists, but I think sometimes we get so caught up in making lists of things to do that we forget to do less. I'm trying to pare down and enjoy the simple things in life. I think one of the things I've enjoyed about using instagram lately is that it's all about capturing those little, authentic moments. There's no planning of a photo shoot, no trying to find the perfect location, it's just capturing life as it's happening.

Off to get coffee with Dan // Favorite shoes at the gun range // Beautiful Alaskan sunset
Turnagain Arm // Babies! // A newly launched blog design // My new favorite hat from ModCloth // Delicious breakfast in AK: eggs, hash browns & my absolute fave, reindeer sausage // Cupcakes for my bro's grad party // My great grandma's glasses // Coffee to go