The Daily Walk

Working at home can get a bit monotonous sometimes, so I like to mix it up by heading to some of my favorite spots with free wifi. Usually this means just walking to the nearest coffee shop, but sometimes I'll head down to the pub for a brew or two while I'm working. Dan really likes doing his schoolwork at coffee shops too, so it's fun to walk together and have a nice 15 minute time to catch up.

hat/thrifted :: dress/dear creatures courtesy of modcloth :: shoes + shades/vintage
coat/tulle :: shades/vintage :: tights + top/courtesy of modcloth :: photos by Dan

I've been cultivating a lot of creativity in my life this week, including writing a personal mission statement, brainstorming new projects and working on getting some plans for action in place for a few things I've been wanting to do for a while. I'm notorious for being a procrastinator, so I'm trying to be anti-procrastination and get stuff done!

I think dressing in fun patterns and colors increases my creativity. I absolutely adore the pattern on this dress and I love that it's so bold! I've been enjoying mixing rich colors lately. I guess I don't own a lot of pastels, now that I think of it. I think one of my favorite pairings is navy and mustard. They just go together like peas and carrots!