The Year

I don't feel like doing a bunch of year-in-review posts this year, so instead I'll take just one photo from each month of the blog last year and try to sum up the (abridged) highlights of the month. It was a good year, but it felt like a transitional year, neither here nor there. I have no clue where 2012 will take me, but I feel positive about it and am looking forward to all the inevitable twists and turns it will offer up.


Had new years eve at home in Alaska, moved to tacoma and settled into my new apartment, had a pancake party, started riding my bike, and shared some of my Holga photos from the Brave trip.



Tried out a maxi skirt and briefly went back to black hair with my wig!, went on an easter weekend retreat with friends, watched a ton of Twin Peaks, made some delicious salsa, tried out street style photography,


Worked more at camp, got rid of the pink & teal hair and went on an amazing canoe trip, wore tons of flower wreaths, and shared my favorite Brave moments.


My parents visited & we went to the wooden boat festival, we got our engagement photos done, I moved into our new little house, I went to the PNW blogger meetup,




We had christmas in wa and ak, went to hockey games, went back to brown hair, had a gingerbread house decorating party, decorated our house with lights & garland, made a handpainted tea set for my mom, and shared our wedding photos.