Featured Sponsor: Eager Beaver

Hi guys! Today I'm featuring Eager Beaver, a cool website where you can chronicle your dream chasing and adventuring by adding things to your list which you want to accomplish, and then checking them off when you've done them! So far on my list I have 25 things I've completed and 16 that I want to do. Pretty Fun! Sara Kinninmont is the founder of Eager Beaver and quite the adventurous gal! See what she has to say about being an Eager Beaver:

Hello Delightfully Tacky denizens! I’m Sara Kinninmont, a writer, dreamer, adventurer and, most importantly, an Eager Beaver. I created my website as a means of not only combining my loves, but in hopes of inspiring myself and others to Live Like You Give a Damn!

Being an Eager Beaver is more than just abiding by a daunting bucket list. I prefer to see it as choosing to live boldly with intention. Adventures great and small can expand your life in ways you could never imagine. Don’t worry. It doesn’t necessarily mean packing your bags and trekking Annapurna, though kudos if you do! You can start small: taste lavender gelato, do a laughter yoga class, make your own sauerkraut. The possibilities are endless. Not to mention, you could discover your very next favorite thing.

It can be far too easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine and simply go through the motions. I’m the first person to admit that I could compete at a gold medal level in the napping Olympics. Starting the site was as much to inspire myself as others. Updated daily, it is a tool to not only help track your past adventures, allowing you to feel both gratitude and pride in them, but also to inspire you to plan many more. Whether it’s going on your very own cross country Winne adventure or thrifting to your heart’s content, get out there and Live Like You Give a Damn!
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