Wedding Outfits from jenloveskev

Hi Everyone, it's Jen from jenloveskev! Yay! I am so excited for Elizabeth. Marriage is such an awesome journey. I am so happy for the two of them. I wish them a lifetime of love and happiness! Elizabeth asked us to write about wedding fashion, like perhaps what we would wear to her wedding if we were attending. I started looking back through all my style files and found that I had a good handful of outfits I have posted that have been from weddings. I thought it would be fun to look back on them and recap. Shall we?

These first pictures are from way, way back. I love dressing up for weddings- it's a great excuse to wear the fancy dresses you don't normally get to wear.

Even when I was 8 months pregnant I was trying to look decent for our friends wedding. I wore this black wrap dress over my giant bump. The picture on the right was a few weeks after Rowan was born.

You can even take dresses you wear day to day and dress them up for weddings. I wore a great Modcloth bird dress with a yellow crystal necklace and some heels and felt perfectly dressed for my cousins wedding back in May. The most fun is when you get to be a bridesmaid and they let you chose your own dress. The picture on the right is from Orchid Grey's wedding this past summer.

Aren't weddings the best?