A Wedding Outfit from Veronika

hi there, delightfully tacky readers! veronika from tick tock vintage here. while she's off getting married, elizabeth asked us delightful dozen gals to come up with an outfit that we'd hypothetically wear to her wedding. since she's getting married in the fall, i decided to stick with deep, jewel-toned colors.

this vintage dress has been lurking in my closet for some time now, and i thought it would be perfect for a a fall-time celebration. the jacket is also vintage; i really like how the simple shape and color are accented with those neat little ribbons. there's just enough detail to keep it interesting, but still easily wearable.

by a show of hands - who's excited to see elizabeth's wedding pictures? i know i am!

congratulations, elizabeth and dan, and welcome to married life! i'm so happy for you and this new adventure that you're starting together.