no alarms. no surprises

I feel this strange pull towards dressing more "sophisticatedly" lately. It probably has to do with the fact that, due to moving, I recently went through my clothes in storage which span about 10 years. Looking back at the things I wore in high school, college and even recently, and having those clothes back in my immediate vicinity has reminded me of how I used to dress and what I was like back then. Another odd thing is that I realized how much clothing I've acquired over the years. I'm not much of a clothes horse, and even still the sheer volume of clothing is a bit unsettling. Having pared down my wardrobe for the summer to just a few essentials, I forgot how many options I used to have, and how many things in my full wardrobe I just don't wear very often. It's making me want to simplify. Plus, with Dan moving in soon and our closet/dresser space being rather limited, it will probably just be a smart move practically speaking.

dress/modcloth :: shoes/minnetonka :: hat/borrowed from dad

I suppose some of my difficulty in feeling like I ever achieve sophistication in my outfits is the fact of my hair. I will simply never have a clean sharp bob like Rebecca, or snappy and crisp blunt bangs like Erin. My hair will always be unruly and large. I could beat it into submission with straightening and whatnot, but that would be sad and I wouldn't be "me" without this mess of a mop on my head. I don't think I'll ever be able to escape the delightfully tackiness that somewhat defines me, and that really has nothing to do with this blog... it's just who I am. I know I will probably go through seasons of tendencies to wear one style or the next, but at my core I will remain whatever it is that makes me... me.