time flies when you're having fun

Yesterday was pretty great. I got to hang out with an old college friend who I hadn't seen since last summer! It was really fun to see her for a bit and catch up. It's crazy how fast time seems to be passing lately. This month I'll have been out of college for two years. I feel like I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and be 28! I'm trying to take time to really enjoy stuff and not just let the time pass unnoticed, even though sometimes I think it's impossible to keep time from flying by. I think my favorite things about life right now are spending hours at the coffee shop, taking photographs and going on mini dates with Dan to grab a beer or two and just talk.

top & bandana/thrifted :: shorts/DIY :: leggings/forever21 :: boots/target

This is an outfit I wore to work last Saturday, which turned out to be the most gorgeous day probably so far all year! I went into work in the morning and decided I'd better don some leggings to keep warm on the bike ride over, but then after work leggings were way too hot! Tights probably would've been a better choice. Or nothing at all. It's almost summer! This is how excited I am: