Tinseltown, WA

Saturday was Dan's Old Hollywood birthday party, and it was a blast! For some reason I always get super excited about dress up parties and spend hours getting ready. I really wanted to try doing marcel waves for a sleek, vintage look. It took almost two hours and tons of hairspray getting my hair to obey. I like the way it turned out though! I probably won't try it again, but now that I know the technique, I think it might be useful for some more casual styles.
A bunch of people came to the party, including two of our great friends from college, Molly and Anna! They live up in Seattle now, so we get to hang out now and then, which is fantastic. I wish I lived in a house instead of an apartment. I love throwing parties, and it's kind of impossible to have a party in an apartment, unless you want to play cribbage and listen to sigur ros on low. I have a feeling the people in my complex aren't the kind of people who stay up late, talking laughing and listening to music. Or would take kindly to someone else in the complex doing so. The last time I lived somewhere conducive to parties was in 2008. Boo. Maybe someday soon...

I made this fun fringe backdrop for photos! I bought silver and gold metallic fringe garland at a party store, and cut them into 5 ft. portions, then hung them alternating the colors. We had lots of fancy mixed drinks, but I ended up kind of liking how the cheap Rainier can matched with the red and gold and silver. It cracked me up how Rainier is totally incongruous with a fancy Old Hollywood party.

I'm a terrible blogger... for some reason I didn't get a full outfit shot, or a picture of Dan and I posing in front of the fringe! Probably the best shot of the full outfit is the one three photos down where Ben and I are being goofy.

Dan and I ended the night swing dancing to big band jazz in the middle of the living room. I love dancing so much. I feel like there's just no opportunity to actually do it. I secretly want to take swing dancing classes. I remember in High School there used to be dance classes you could attend before the homecoming dance and they taught us how to do swing, fox trot, waltz, and so on. As pretty much all high school functions go, it was kind of awkward, but once everyone got over it, we all had so much fun! I wish I could remember all the intertwining spin moves from the swing class. One was called "the octopus" and it was so complicated, haha!