broken hearts want broken necks

I've been waiting for days for the weather to cooperate enough to get this outfit photographed! We finally got a break in the blustery, rainy, cold weather. I love those moments when the sun pushes its way through the heavy Washington clouds and brings a bit of refreshing warmth to my skin. It whispers a little hint of things to come, and gives hope for the warmer months near at hand.

I saw the cover of a magazine the other day that had a headline that read, "The Exquisite Amanda Seyfried." For whatever reason, I had a pretty powerful reaction to that headline, not because I think Amanda Seyfried is or is not exquisite, but because I feel like it's a bummer that only celebrities are on the covers of magazines with a headline that says something like that. Because there are so many exquisite and incredible human beings on this earth and such a miniscule percent of them will be featured in a magazine. Granted, I understand the whole needing to sell magazines aspect of having celebs in magazines. I get that we have some sort of fascination with these actors and famous people. But still. There are SO many incredible human beings. So many beautiful people. Not just physically (though I do believe that so many people who are not models or actors are stunningly gorgeous, and not necessarily in a conventional way), but in the core of their beings. The beautiful thoughts that go through their heads, the creative things they create and share, their caring hearts, and so on. That's what I want to see on the cover of magazines. Not just the same group of celebs being cycled through to be on magazine covers.

top/target :: hat/nordstrom :: skirt/free people :: shoes/forever 21 :: necklace/handmade

I went to this fun site the other day and ran across the following video. I really like what this guy was saying, and thought I'd share it with you guys. I've seen a bunch of really great videos lately that are very inspirational, so I might share a few here and there. I think we get a lot of messages that we aren't good enough or that we need to work harder to be better people, make more money, get skinnier, be prettier, and so on. It's nice to hear an uplifting message of encouragement.