reality check

I just saw Mandi's "Getting Real" post and it inspired me to do a reality check post myself. I always love learning little quirks about my favorite bloggers, so posts like this are fun to do. Getting to know people on the internet is so strange, you only get to see a certain part of them. That's why I like videos and stuff like this- hopefully it makes it a little more personal!
  • Lately I can't stop sleeping in. Probably because I don't have to be anywhere in the morning, but it still makes me feel like a lazy bum!
  • I probably only wash my hair once a week at the most and the only time a brush ever touches it is in the shower with copious amounts of conditioner.
  • When I was a toddler the babysitter's dog attacked me and bit my face. I have a little scar on my right cheek because the stitches got messed up somehow and it didn't heal right.
  • I rode horses competitively for about ten years, doing hunter/jumpers.
  • I almost never wore make-up before college. Now I still don't wear that much, but I do love me some cat-eye eyeliner!
  • I'm broke and eating ramen on a daily basis but loving living on my own again in a new city!
  • I have a habit of taking off my shoes and criss crossing my legs when I'm sitting at tables, even at restaurants! I think it's because I'm so short my feet don't reach the ground.
  • When I was younger I had a horrible habit of chewing my nails. I got over it in college but on my Brave trip I started again- hence the acrylic nails, they're my training wheels for growing my natural nails out again.