Annie, get your gun

I'm still mourning my lens being gone, and I actually did go out and take outfit photos with my camera, but then realized that I left the cord at home in Alaska, so I can't download those photos to my computer even if I wanted to, haha. Oh well. So I decided to go all ghetto and do outfit photos with my Mac's Photobooth. And, inside shots! I can't remember the last time I did indoor outfit photos. This afternoon I put together a bookshelf I got from Target and framed a couple of my National Park prints and got my interior design on. It feels so good to get my apartment looking (slowly but surely) more homey. Still on my list to acquire are: Kitchen table/chairs, couch, coffee table, bed. It's coming along though! I also got some shelves to put up, but I haven't decided where I want to put them yet.

take my breath away dress/courtesy of modcloth :: tights & boots/target :: hat & slip/thrifted

Last night Dan, Ben and I went to Karaoke with friends, which was a blast. I haven't done Karaoke in so long! It's surprising how nerve-wracking it is at first! I hate how your voice gets stupid and wobbly at the beginning. Meh. I sang Morning Song by Jewel, and then got down and dirty with a little Crazy On You by Heart. Oh yeah. I feel like this always happens at Karaoke: you get there and forget any song that you are capable of singing and proceed to spend an hour looking through the catalogue for anything that sounds decent. Haha.

I've had this dress for a while now, and I've loved it but it's completely sheer (which was the reason I bought it), so I was waiting to get a slip for it. I finally thrifted a perfect slip the other day and when I put this outfit on today I fell in love! I don't think these photos really show the outfit perfectly, but I love how delicate the sheer white dress is, and how you can see through to the lace of the slip. This dress is actually on sale right now on ModCloth if you guys are interested in getting it! I've been enjoying wearing these boots (they've barely come off my feet since I got them), because I feel like they add a more masculine, "tougher" feel to my outfits, which I've been craving in the past few months. I'm a bit over feeling super girly and feminine, but so much of my wardrobe is girly, flouncy dresses that things like these boots help tone it down. Someone told me that I look like Annie Oakley in this outfit, which I was pretty stoked about. Annie Oakley is a badass chick.