Total Eclipse of the Heart

I'm back home! Man, oh man is it snowy here. It is always strange to me that I can get on a plane and three hours later be in a totally different place. To me it is like stepping in a Star Trek transporter and beaming to somewhere else. Maybe it just blows my mind because for the past three months I've driven everywhere. Speaking of which, I realized this the other night: I returned to Anchorage exactly, to the hour, three months after I left in the Brave. My plane landed right about 10:30 AM on Dec 20th, and I left town in the Brave around 10:30 AM Sept 20th. Crazy huh? Wasn't planned or anything!

Little Bit survived the plane trip and is getting used to the snow and cold again. Mostly she was getting used to being around Simon again. Simon is so big now! And he's like a crazy ball of energy. Poor Little Bit was being chased around all day. She hasn't had that much physical activity in a long time!

autumn ambiance dress/courtesy of modcloth :: boots/lulu e. bebe

Yesterday I decided to go back to my old Nokia phone. My iPhone was perfect and indispensable for my travels, but I honestly feel ridiculous having an iPhone when I'm not on the road. It's just too much phone for me. And I guess what I mean is that it's too much not-phone for me. I don't need all those features. I got along perfectly fine without it before, I'll be fine without it now. It feels good to simplify life.

A little sponsor update:
You can get 15% off your entire order to The Morose Bee during December using the code "TACKYBEE" at checkout!
You can also get 10% off your order to Much Love Illy during December with the code DTACKYLOVE!