that old familiar feeling

I have been thinking a lot about Christmas and wishlists, and I've realized that wishlists have always made me a bit uncomfortable. I don't like asking for things I don't need. I mean, of course I walk into stores and want a bunch of things I see, but I don't buy them because I can't afford them and I know that I don't need them. Maybe it's just because I'm foreseeing moving into a new apartment soon, so all my wishlists seem silly, since what I really need is furniture and practical stuff. Of course practical stuff isn't as exciting to give. You can't really unwrap a couch or kitchen table or fit them under a christmas tree.

I think I'm probably different than some people in that my love language never has been receiving gifts. I know there are some people who adore giving or receiving gifts. My ex from high school was one of these people and he bought me stuff all the time. I felt bad because I didn't care one way or the other! It didn't make me feel more or less loved. Not that getting presents isn't fun, but my feelings of worth or love aren't dependent upon getting stuff from other people. I guess it makes me a cheap date though! Haha.

coat/tulle :: dress/vintage from red velvet :: tights/target
shoes/market publique :: bow/red velvet :: socks/forever 21

Unfortunately I dropped my camera again, and my lens is on its way to another death. I've already sent it back to Canon once because the motor died and wouldn't focus anymore, and I'm about to have to do the same- except this time it isn't under warranty. This is what I get for toting my camera around with me everywhere I go. Anyway, it won't focus post like 15 feet any more, so our Christmas photo above is blurry. I'm going to try to do it again later and have it be in focus (also, make LB look at the camera!). Le sigh. I am so upset when I break my nice things.

If you like the little bow I'm wearing, you're in luck! It will be in a giveaway later today as part of a special little package full of cute things from Red Velvet! When I was in Missouri visiting Elsie at Red Velvet she gave me some of the cute accessories from her amazing shop to giveaway to one of my lucky readers! So stay tuned because later today I'll be posting a giveaway from Red Velvet!