sunset in the afternoon

So, I seriously packed horribly for this trip. Nothing I packed goes together and it's all super impractical. I was not at all in the mood to pack when I was throwing clothes in my suitcase, and consequently I've been completely uninspired to do outfit posts here. Oh, and temperatures have been hovering around zero degrees fahrenheit, which also makes me less inclined to want to go outside and fidget with my tripod for 15 minutes. It's kind of a bummer because we've been having the most beautiful weather here. Sunny every day and just lovely, crisp, Alaskan winter days. Anyway, luckily I had bagged up a bunch of old clothes I wasn't going to take with me on my Brave trip and had told my mom to just give them to charity or a thrift store, but she forgot and it was left in my room. So I've been sifting through those old clothes trying to concoct outfits using that old stuff, and this is one such outfit.

blazer/thrifted :: shorts/from an old roommate :: top/scrapbook :: scarf/hand-me-down
tights/target :: boots/my old riding boots :: ring/grandma's high school ring

My mom gave me this ring for Christmas. My Grampa gave it to her when she was at his house for Thanksgiving, it's my Grandma's high school class ring from 1943. Isn't it cool? I adore vintage rings. Rings are actually one of the few pieces of jewelry that I like wearing. I don't have pierced ears so I don't wear earrings, bracelets kind of bug me (for some reason things around my wrist drive me nuts, even long sleeve shirt cuffs! I always push up my long sleeves), and I always forget to put on necklaces. Rings are one thing that I will frequently remember to put on in the morning, or I just keep them on for days.

My mom and I went out for a girls mani-pedi day last week and I ended up getting acrylics because I've gotten back into the habit of biting my nails. It started when I was driving through Oklahoma and the wind was buffeting the Winne really hard, I just started getting frustrated and began chewing my nails. Back in elementary and high school I chewed my nails all the time and I finally got rid of the habit in college. So, these acrylics are in the hopes that I'll be able to grow them out long enough under the protection of the acrylics that when I remove them, I'll have long enough real nails! It's fun having long nails again! I forgot that I can't play guitar very well, though. They're nice for my strumming hand, but terrible when I'm trying to make chords! Damn.