first date!

Last night I went out on a date with Dan to a wine bar right near my apartment, but since it was past sunset I couldn't get a good photo of my "date night" outfit, so I decided instead to share some of my date-night outfit inspirations. One of my favorite things about dressing up for a date is that it gives me an excuse to dress more sexy or flirty than I would on just a day to day basis. As "grown ups" we don't have things like prom, homecoming, or dances to get dolled up for, so a little date night is pretty much all we have! After being on the road for months and months, I'm definitely aching for a little bit of glamour. I can't remember the last time I got dressed up for anything even remotely resembling a date-- maybe a couple of my outfits for New York Fashion Week...?
I really wanted to wear my black tulle Rodarte for Target dress, but I neglected to pick it up from storage last week. Come to think of it, pretty much all my more date-esque dresses are in storage. Haha, I guess that tells you a lot about my life eh?

I'm definitely a low-key girl when it comes to dates. I like to go out on the verrry occasional fancy date, but for the most part I like just hanging out, going to coffee shops and breakfast, or stopping by a taco truck for a quick lunch and long conversation. Thus, most of my "date" outfits could fit into the category of just my daily-wear. The last outfit from Betty is less a typical "date night" outfit and more of an outfit I'd love to wear any day of the week. Also, I think what these inspiration photos may be telling me is that I need a leather jacket...I have one, but it's not as fitted and cute as the ones these ladies are rockin'! Just another thing to add to my wishlist!

As for the date? A lady doesn't kiss and tell, but if you follow my twitter, you know it was amazing!