Style Diaries

Some time ago I was contacted to contribute to a book that would be featuring fashion bloggers from all over the world. I of course was flattered and very excited to be featured in such a book! I just got my copy of the book Style Diaries: World Fashion from Berlin to Tokyo, and I am so thrilled! The book definitely exceeded my expectations. There are 40 bloggers from all over the world featured, and the book is really wonderfully put together. I thought it might be kind of like a coffee table book- big and hard covered, but it turns out it's a really thick book with 400 pages of amazing photos from all of these international fashion bloggers and a little blurb about each one before their section. Even if I wasn't in the book, I would still go buy it! It's really fun to see a lot of bloggers I love being featured in this book. Most of the bloggers I've at least seen in passing and there are a few more familiar faces in there, like Keiko Lynn, Sally Jane Vintage, and Strawberry Koi.
I highly suggest checking it out. It's only $16.47 on Amazon right now and it features hundreds of pages full of fashion blogger goodness! I think it's pretty amazing that fashion bloggers are being recognized as changing the face of the fashion industry, and stuff like this just proves that we really are a legitimate part of the fashion world.