Going to California with an achin' in my heart

I was thinking the other day, and I realized that I've almost always had a blog. Which cracks me up because I never considered myself a "blogger" until I started Delightfully Tacky. Back in Jr. High I had a "blog" (which was really just a word document because I wasn't really allowed on the internet back then. Oh yeah, and back then the internet had to make weird Matrix-esque noises to work, hahah). It was mostly just an electronic journal and I would sign all my entries with the nom de plume, "appleliz" (because I wrote it on an ancient little apple laptop). I don't think I'll ever be able to save those entries simply because I don't even know if that little computer even works anymore, but that would certainly be an interesting read! It was mostly filled with the tedium that is a 7th grade girl's life= boys, other less interesting stuff, and boys. Actually, I'm not sure what is in there, except I'm pretty sure a lot of it centered around my unrequited crush on this boy in 7th grade.

I started a Xanga in my later high school years as a private diary and I actually still have that one, and I do still write in it a couple times a month. It's always just been a totally private diary type of blog though. I found a ton of my actual journals while I was in Sequim a couple weeks ago. I was blown away at the sheer volume of my writings. I have book after book full of my thoughts, it's crazy. I had forgotten that I wrote so much during my senior year of high school and the first couple years of college.

dress/courtesy of tigercult vintage :: top/vintage :: boots/target :: shades/thrifted

I guess it shouldn't surprise me that I'm a "blogger"! I actually can't picture myself not blogging now! It's just such an amazing way to document your life. And even though a lot of my posts center around my outfits, I still can go back to my early posts and know what was going on in my life, just because I remember the outfit and what I was doing that day when I was wearing it. I'm excited that my life has been chronicled, in a way. It's sort of like a living scrapbook. It's cool seeing how other people's blogs are documenting their wedding, first baby, etc. Hopefully I'll have this blog to look back on in the years to come and see what I was up to!

Even though I've been in California for two days already, these pictures are from the Oregon coast- near South Beach, I believe. One of these days I'll get caught up.
As I was driving down the coast I was occasionally stopping to take pictures. At one of the pull offs I stopped at there was a cool looking old hot rod pulling a trailer. This oldish dude got out of the car as I was taking pictures, he was maybe in his late 50's, and he started walking towards me. I kept taking pictures and then he came up to me, asked me if I drove all the way from Alaska, and then offered me pot. It cracked me up for some reason. He was just this totally gnarly dude in a hot rod cruising down the road like me, headed for Arizona, tokin' it up. We chatted for a bit, all the while he packed his pipe. His name was George...