Family Ties

While I was at my aunt's house in Alameda, I found a bunch of old pictures of my grampa as a younger man and my aunt, uncle, & Dad as kids. I adore old family photos. I have a whole set on my flickr of vintage family photos. I hadn't seen a lot of these pictures, and I'd never seen my grampa looking so handsome and young! The top photo is more like how I've always known him. He's looked the same for like 30 years! In the picture where he's holding a photograph, it's my grandma in the picture. Isn't that so sweet? It's hard to imagine my grandparents my age, but look at how young he is in the last photo!
It's also funny how kids totally resemble their parents as children. I looked just like my Dad in the picture below when I was younger (he's the one to the far left), and my cousins look exactly like my uncle in that picture. Of course my younger brother looks even more like my Dad!