Just a small town girl

I've been wearing variations of this outfit for a few days now but never got proper outfit shots of it, so here it is. I love this dress, it fits perfectly and the print and color feel so "me." It's always interesting packing for a visit to New York because in my mind New Yorkers are much more chic than I. I think I dress like a country bumpkin a lot more than I realize. Case in point: this outfit (plaid, cowboy boots, scarf...). I don't know. I realize that New York is a place where pretty much every style is represented, so you're not really out of place ever, but I kind of get this feeling of wishing I dressed more like an off-duty model when I go there. I have to remind myself that my style is what it is and I can't change myself to be something I'm not. I'll put my best foot forward in the big city, but I'll probably always be a small town, west coast girl.

b&b reservations dress/courtesy of modcloth :: shirt/billabong :: scarf/thrifted :: boots/target

This was my best attempt at being NYC-chic. I actually love that outfit and it made me feel Anna-Wintour-powerful, kind of. My other favorite outfit from last fashion week was this one. It was an outfit I ended up putting together last minute after I decided the one I'd planned didn't feel like my style. I don't know if it's a faux pas or not, but I'm totally wearing those same booties to this fashion week. I haven't worn them in months, but as I was putting together outfits, I just had to include them! For those of you who read my post on packing- that's why I have three pairs of heels. Whoops! We'll see just how angry my feet are after a week of walking around in heels...

Alright, well, today I have to do all my last minute stuff for fashion week. I'm getting really anxious/nervous! I just don't want to forget anything. I'm praying all my travels go smoothly. I usually have pretty good travels, so far no horror stories, and I'd like to keep it that way.